Geophysical Data Interpretation Deliverables

The tables below present a comprehensive list of data and information products from the interpretation of the Sierra Leone Nationwide Airborne Geophysical Survey as delivered by the contractor, Xcalibur Airborne Geophysics (XAG) and certified by the QA/QC firm, Reid Geophysics Ltd (RGL). A PDF version of the tables below can be downloaded here.
Table 01: Raw SRTM and Landsat8 Data
1Landsat8LC082000542019011601T1-SC20190703105907ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 200, row 054, scene date 2019-01-16
2Landsat8LC082000552019011601T1-SC20190703105717ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 200, row 055, scene date 2019-01-16
3Landsat8LC082010532013122401T1-SC20190703105754ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 201, row 053, scene date 2013-12-24
4Landsat8LC082010542013122401T1-SC20190703105707ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 201, row 054, scene date 2013-12-24
5Landsat8LC082010552013122401T1-SC20190703105722ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 201, row 055, scene date 2013-12-24
6Landsat8LC082020532013123101T1-SC20190703113007ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 202, row 053, scene date 2013-12-31
7Landsat8LC082020542013123101T1-SC20190703105655ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 202, row 054, scene date 2013-12-31
8Landsat8LC082020552013123101T1-SC20190703105643ZIPLandsat 8 EROS/USGS scene package, wrs path 202, row 055, scene date 2013-12-31
9SRTMn06_w012_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 6° West 12°
10SRTMn07_w011_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 7° West 11°
11SRTMn07_w012_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 7° West 12°
12SRTMn07_w013_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 7° West 13°
13SRTMn07_w014_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 7° West 14°
14SRTMn08_w011_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 8° West 11°
15SRTMn08_w012_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 8° West 12°
16SRTMn08_w013_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 8° West 13°
17SRTMn08_w014_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 8° West 14°
18SRTMn09_w011_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 9° West 11°
19SRTMn09_w012_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 9° West 12°
20SRTMn09_w013_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 9° West 13°
21SRTMn09_w014_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 9° West 14°
22SRTMn10_w012_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 10° West 12°
23SRTMn10_w013_1arc_v3_bilZIPNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global 1 arc second data package, tile location: North 10° West 13°
Table 02: Geophysical grids
1MagneticsTMIGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnTTotal magnetic intensity
2MagneticsANS/ASGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnT/mAnalytic signal
3MagneticsRTEIGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnTTMI reduced to the equator (inverted)
4RadiometricsDoseGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnGy/hDose rate
5RadiometricsKGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERS%Potassium
6RadiometricseThGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSppmEquivalent uranium
7RadiometricseUGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSppmEquivalent thorium
Table 03: Processed SRTM and Landsat8
1LandsatL8_b2_sr_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat 8 band 2, surface reflectance, cloud masked
2LandsatL8_b3_sr_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat 8 band 3, surface reflectance, cloud masked
3LandsatL8_b4_sr_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat 8 band 4, surface reflectance, cloud masked
4LandsatL8_b5_sr_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat 8 band 5, surface reflectance, cloud masked
5LandsatL8_b6_sr_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat 8 band 6, surface reflectance, cloud masked
6LandsatL8_b7_sr_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat 8 band 7, surface reflectance, cloud masked
7LandsatL8_NDWI_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat normalized difference water index, cloud masked
8LandsatL8_NDVI_cmGeotiff *.TIFMosaicked Landsat normalized difference vegetation index, cloud masked
9LandsatL8_True_ColorGeotiff *.TIFLandsat 8 true colour composite (R:band 4, G: band 3, B: band 2), balanced contrast enhanced, cloud masked
10LandsatL8_B543Geotiff *.TIFLandsat 8 false colour composite, vegetation infrared (R:band 5, G: band 4, B: band 3), balanced contrast enhanced, cloud masked
11LandsatL8_B764Geotiff *.TIFLandsat 8 false colour composite, urban (R:band 7, G: band 6, B: band 4), balanced contrast enhanced, cloud masked
12SRTMSRTM_DEMGeotiff *.TIFmNASA SRTM Version 3.0 Global digital elevation model
13SRTMSRTM_AspGeotiff *.TIFdegSRTM slope facing direction (aspect)
14SRTMSRTM_SlpGeotiff *.TIFdegSRTM slope
15SRTMSRTM_CurvGeotiff *.TIF1/mSRTM profile curvature
16SRTMSRTM_GeomorphonGeotiff *.TIFSRTM geomorphic phonotype
Table 04: Processed Geophysical Grids
1MagneticsRTEI_1VDGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnT/mFirst vertical derivative of RTEI
2MagneticsRTEI_2VDGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnT/m^2Second vertical derivative of RTEI
3MagneticsRTEI_TDRGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSradiansVertical tilt angle from RTEI
4MagneticsRTEI_TDXGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSradiansHorizontal tilt angle from RTEI
5MagneticsRTEI_HGGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnT/mTotal horizontal derivative of RTEI
6MagneticsRTEI_XGRADGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnT/mX gradient of RTEI
7MagneticsRTEI_YGRADGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnT/mY gradient of RTEI
8MagneticsRTEI_Up200Geosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnTRTEI upward continuation, 200 m
9MagneticsRTEI_Up1000Geosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnTRTEI upward continuation, 1000 m
10MagneticsRTEI_Up5000Geosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSnTRTEI upward continuation, 5000 m
11RadiometricsrUThGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSEquivalent uranium/equivalent Thorium
12RadiometricsrUKGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSX 10^-4Equivalent uranium/potassium
13RadiometricsrThKGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSX 10^-4Equivalent thorium/potassium
14RadiometricsPCA1Geosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSPrincipal component analysis, first component
15RadiometricsPCA2Geosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSPrincipal component analysis, second component
16RadiometricsPCA3Geosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERSPrincipal component analysis, third component
Table 05: Processed Geophysical Images
1MagneticsTMIGeotiff *.TIFnTTotal magnetic intensity
2MagneticsTMI_ssGeotiff *.TIFnTTotal magnetic intensity, sun shaded inclination 45°, declination 45°
3MagneticsASGeotiff *.TIFnT/mAnalytic signal
4MagneticsAS_ssGeotiff *.TIFnT/mAnalytic signal, sun shaded inclination 45°, declination 45°
5MagneticsRTEIGeotiff *.TIFnTTMI reduced to the equator (inverted)
6MagneticsRTEI_ssGeotiff *.TIFnTTMI reduced to the equator (inverted), sun shaded inclination 45°, declination 45°
7MagneticsRTEI_1VDGeotiff *.TIFnT/mFirst vertical derivative of RTEI
8MagneticsRTEI_1VD_ssGeotiff *.TIFnT/mFirst vertical derivative of RTEI, sun shaded
9MagneticsRTEI_1VD_bwGeotiff *.TIFnT/mFirst vertical derivative of RTEI, black and white
10MagneticsRTEI_2VDGeotiff *.TIFnT/m^2Second vertical derivative of RTEI
11MagneticsRTEI_2VD_ssGeotiff *.TIFnT/m^2Second vertical derivative of RTEI, sun shaded
12MagneticsRTEI_2VD_bwGeotiff *.TIFnT/m^2Second vertical derivative of RTEI, black and white
13MagneticsRTEI_TDRGeotiff *.TIFradiansTilt derivative of RTEI
14MagneticsRTEI_TDR_ssGeotiff *.TIFradiansTilt derivative of RTEI, sun shaded inclination 45°, declination 45°
15MagneticsRTEI_XGRADGeotiff *.TIFnT/mX gradient of RTEI
16MagneticsRTEI_XGRAD_ssGeotiff *.TIFnT/mX gradient of RTEI, sun shaded inclination 45°, declination 45°
17MagneticsRTEI_YGRADGeotiff *.TIFnT/mY gradient of RTEI
18MagneticsRTEI_YGRAD_ssGeotiff *.TIFnT/mY gradient of RTEI, sun shaded inclination 45°, declination 45°
19MagneticsRTEI_Up200Geotiff *.TIFnTRTEI upward continuation, 200 m
20MagneticsRTEI_Up1000Geotiff *.TIFnTRTEI upward continuation, 1000 m
21MagneticsRTEI_Up5000Geotiff *.TIFnTRTEI upward continuation, 5000 m
22MagneticsRTEI_Up200_residGeotiff *.TIFnTResidual of RTEI upward continuation, 200 m
23MagneticsRTEI_Up1000_residGeotiff *.TIFnTResidual of RTEI upward continuation, 1000 m
24MagneticsRTEI_Up5000_residGeotiff *.TIFnTResidual of RTEI upward continuation, 5000 m
25RadiometricsTernary CMYGeotiff *.TIFRadiometric ternary image, CMY colour model
26RadiometricsTernary RGBGeotiff *.TIFRadiometric ternary image, RGB colour model
27RadiometricsDoseGeotiff *.TIFnGy/hDose rate
28RadiometricsKGeotiff *.TIF%Potassium
29RadiometricseUGeotiff *.TIFppmEquivalent uranium
30RadiometricseThGeotiff *.TIFppmEquivalent thorium
31RadiometricsrUThGeotiff *.TIFEquivalent uranium/equivalent thorium
32RadiometricsrUKGeotiff *.TIFX 10^-4Equivalent uranium/potassium
33RadiometricsrThKGeotiff *.TIFX 10^-4Equivalent thorium/potassium
Table 06: Semi-Automated Interpretation
1Magnetic LineamentsSierra_Leone_CET_Lineament_EdgesShapefile *.SHPEdges (contacts) derived from RTEi_TDX grid
2Magnetic LineamentsSierra_Leone_CET_Lineament_PeaksShapefile *.SHPPeaks (positive responses) derived from RTEi_TDR grid
3Magnetic LineamentsSierra_Leone_CET_Lineament_TroughsShapefile *.SHPTroughs (negative responses) derived from RTEi_TDR grid
4Keating Correlation CoefficientsSL_Keating_Correlation_ASIGShapefile *.SHP, Geosoft *.GDBKeating correlation results from the analytic signal grid
5Keating Correlation CoefficientsSL_Keating_Correlation_TMIShapefile *.SHP, Geosoft *.GDBKeating correlation results from the TMI grid
6Keating Correlation CoefficientsSL Keating Model GridsGeosoft *.GRDKeating correlation coefficient model grids (TMI and AS) used in each sub-block
7Keating Correlation CoefficientsSL_Keating.mapGeosoft *.MapKeating results as Geosoft MAP
8Keating Correlation CoefficientsSL_Keating_Readme_v3Word *.docxKeating README file
9Keating Correlation CoefficientsKeating Channel DescriptionsText *.txtchannel descriptions for Keating GDB
Table 07: Depth Analysis Layers
1SPISierraLeone_SPIGeosoft *.GDBDatabase of calculated depth values and altimeter adjustments
2SPISPI Channel DescriptionsText *.txtchannel descriptions for SPI GDB
3SPISierraLeone_SPI_DepthGeosoft *.GRD, ERMapper *.ERS, Geotiff *.tifGridded SPI depth below ground surface
4EulerSierraLeone_Located_EulerGeosoft *.GDBDatabase of Located Euler depth solutions
5EulerSierraLeone_Located_Euler_SI1Shapefile *.SHPShapefile of Located Euler depth solutions (SI=1)
6EulerSierraLeone_Located_Euler_SI2Shapefile *.SHPShapefile of Located Euler depth solutions (SI=2)
7EulerEuler deconvolution analysis summary_v3Word *.docxEuler README file
8EulerEuler deconvolution Channel DescriptionsText *.txtchannel descriptions for Euler GDB
Table 08: 3D Inversions
1SierraLeone_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapPacked Geosoft map of model block outlines and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations
2SierraLeone_VOXI.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft packed map containing nine susceptibility models and MVI vectors, merged susceptibility model and isosurface
3SierraLeone_VOXI_Block_Models.zipZIPVOXI MVI model sessions for each of the nine individual blocks
4SierraLeone_Nationwide_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapPacked Geosoft map of the nationwide block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations
5SierraLeone_Nationwide_VOXI.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft packed map containing the nationwide susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface
6SierraLeone_Nationwide.geosoft_voxi.dataZIPVOXI MVI model session for country wide inversion
7SL_VOXI_Regional_Readme_v3.docxWord *.docxVOXI README file
8Bagbe Alkalic Complex.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Bagbe Alkali Complex
9Bagbe_Alkalic_Complex_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Bagbe Alkali Complex
10Freetown Layered Complex.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Freetown Complex
11Freetown_Layered_Complex_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Freetown Complex
12Gori Hills.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Gori Hills
13Gori_Hills_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Gori Hills
14Kambui Hills E.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Kambui Hills E
15Kambui Hills W.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Kambui Hills E
16Kambui_Hills_E_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Kambui Hills W
17Kambui_Hills_W_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Kambui Hills W
18Lake Mabesi.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for Lake Mabesi
19Lake_Mabesi_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for Lake Mabesi
20Loko Hills.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Loko Hills
21Loko_Hills_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Loko Hills
22Magburaka.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Magburaka area
23Magburaka_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for Magburaka area
24Nimini Hills.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Nimini Hills
25Nimini_Hills_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Nimini Hills
26Okra Hills.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Okra Hills
27Okra_Hills_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Okra Hills
28Pendembu.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Pendembu area
29Pendembu_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Pendembu area
30Sembehun.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Sembehun
31Sembehun_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Sembehun area
32Tonkolili.geosoft_3dvGeosoft *.geosoft_3dvGeosoft 3D packed map containing the susceptibility model, MVI vectors, and isosurface for the Tonkolili area
33Tonkolili_VOXI.mapGeosoft *.MapGeosoft 2D packed map containing the block outline and magnetic susceptibility at various depths and elevations for the Tonkolili area
34High_Resolution_VOXI_ModelsZIPVOXI MVI model sessions for each of the 17 individual blocks
35SL_VOXI_Target_Readme_v3Word *.docxTarget Area VOXI README file
Table 09: Interpretation Maps PDF
1250kGeophysical Interpretation – Basement Geology FreetownPDFBasement geology interpretation map, Freetown sheet, 1:250,000
2250kGeophysical Interpretation – Basement Geology GbangbamaPDFBasement geology interpretation map, Gbangbama sheet, 1:250,000
3250kGeophysical Interpretation – Basement Geology PujehunPDFBasement geology interpretation map, Pujehun sheet, 1:250,000
4250kGeophysical Interpretation – Basement Geology MoyambaPDFBasement geology interpretation map, Moyamba sheet, 1:250,000
5250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology BatkanuPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Batkanu sheet, 1:250,000
6250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology DaruPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Daru sheet, 1:250,000
7250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology FreetownPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Freetown sheet, 1:250,000
8250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology GbangbamaPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Gbangbama sheet, 1:250,000
9250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology KabalaPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Kabala sheet, 1:250,000
10250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology KissiduguPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Kissidugu sheet, 1:250,000
11250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology MagburakaPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Magburaka sheet, 1:250,000
12250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology MoyambaPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Moyamba sheet, 1:250,000
13250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology PendembuPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Pendembu sheet, 1:250,000
14250kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology PujehunPDFSurficial geology interpretation map, Pujehun sheet, 1:250,000
15750kGeophysical Interpretation – Basement Geology Sierra LeonePDFBasement geology interpretation map, countrywide, 1:750,000
16750kGeophysical Interpretation – Surficial Geology Sierra LeonePDFSurficial geology interpretation map, countrywide, 1:750,000
17500kFavourability Map for BauxitePDFBauxite Favourability Map, countrywide, 1:500,00
18500kFavourability Map for GoldPDFGold Favourability Map, countrywide, 1:500,00
19500kFavourability Map for IronPDFIron Favourability Map, countrywide, 1:500,00
20500kFavourability Map for KimberlitesPDFKimberlites Favourability Map, countrywide, 1:500,00
21500kFavourability Map for NickelPDFNickel Favourability Map, countrywide, 1:500,00
22500kFavourability Map for RutilePDFRutile Favourability Map, countrywide, 1:500,00
Table 10: Kimberlite Targets
1east_picksGeosoft *.GDBEast block targets
2west_picksGeosoft *.GDBWest block targets
3Kimberlite_TargetsShapefile *.SHPCountry wide targets
4Kimberlite Targets Channel DescriptionText *.txtChannel descriptions for east/west/shapefile/appendix
5Kimberlite Targeting Report_v3aWord *.docx, PDFTargeting report (pdf)
5Appendix 1Excel *.xlsxTargets
Table 11: Mineral Favourability
1Bauxite_FavourabilityERMapper *.ERS, Geotiff *.TIF%Bauxite favourability
2Gold_FavourabilityERMapper *.ERS, Geotiff *.TIF%Gold favourability
3Nickel_FavourabilityERMapper *.ERS, Geotiff *.TIF%Nickel favourability
4Rutile_FavourabilityERMapper *.ERS, Geotiff *.TIF%Rutile favourability
5Fe_TargetsShapefile *.SHPIron targets
6README_v3Word *.docxMineral favourability readme
Table 12 & 13: Report & Interpretation Maps
1Sierra Leone Interpretation Report_v3Word *.docx, PDFInterpretation report
2Interpretation Maps GISZIPArcGIS MXD package
3SL_Interpretation Maps GIS_Readme_v2Word *.docxReadme file
Table 14: Master GIS
1GeologyZIPGeology vector and geotiff images, NMA mineral occurrence database
2Geophysical GridsZIPGeophysical grids
3Geophysical ImagesZIPGeophysical grid images
4Geophysical Interpretation – Master GIS Sierra Leone_10.0ESRI MXDArcGIS v10.0 MXD project file
5Geophysical Interpretation – Master GIS Sierra Leone_10.3ESRI MXDArcGIS v10.3 MXD project file
6Geophysical Interpretation – Master GIS Sierra Leone_10.8.1ESRI MXDArcGIS v10.8.1 MXD project file
7Geophysical InterpretationZIPGeophysical interpretation vectors
8Geophysical LayersZIPManual and semi-automated geophysical interpretation vectors
9IndexZIPSurvey and sheet index maps
10LogosZIPCompany logos
12SL_Master GIS_ReadmeWord *.docxReadme file